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(110)    ip logged    Tue 04 Oct 2011 20:09:36
Shaun Rayner   email addess hidden
A great starting place to start looking for the Rayners from the Isle of Wight. I remember most of the family coming from Ventnor. I would very interested in hearing about them.

(109)    ip logged    Fri 23 Sep 2011 22:00:12
A Rayner   email addess hidden
Does anyone have any info on Walter Jesse Rayner? He was a football manager. I would like to find out more about his family and children.

(108)    ip logged    Sun 18 Sep 2011 12:16:26
geoffrey oliver   email addess hidden
fathers name Rupert Oliver born1920 richmond surrey mother nee Richardson.

(107)    ip logged    Tue 30 Aug 2011 02:11:21
Allen Larson   email addess hidden
My mothers family are Heptinstalls. I have heard there is a town called Heptinstall City in the UK. Anyone heard of it. Would love to hear from some Heptinstalls in the UK. I am in the USA

(106)    ip logged    Sun 28 Aug 2011 12:32:52
Philip James Rayner   email addess hidden
Hi to all Rayners world wide. Spanner in the works time - I have been right thru your guest book, and no mention of us! We are the Shropshire branch!
Am just getting started so have little to
offer yet. Will be in touch.

(105)    ip logged    Fri 15 Jul 2011 06:48:06
Denis Rayner   email addess hidden
trying to find out more about my last name this sit is awsome

(104)    ip logged    Mon 27 Jun 2011 08:45:35
Scott Rayner   email addess hidden
I was trying to fill in some gaps in our family history.Thanks for the web site I will visit again soon.

(103)    ip logged    Mon 11 Apr 2011 14:18:36
custom research paper   email addess hidden
this is an awesome site keep it up

(102)    ip logged    Thu 27 Jan 2011 20:16:58
Dom Black   email addess hidden
Hi, great site by the way. Researching my family tree and a specific relative relating to the surname Rainer.

A Google search brought me here but alas no relation. Very good site though.

(101)    ip logged    Wed 19 Jan 2011 00:35:50
Kathy Oulds   email addess hidden
My gr.gr grandmother was Charlotte Emily Rosina Rayner im very interested in info

Guestbook © Rayner Family Web 2005